My Blog Mission Statement

My purpose for blogging is to blend my faith and my disability and every other part of my life together. I know GOD touches every aspect of my life. My prayer is that my blog inspires others to trust in GOD and maybe look at things in a different way. I believe part of my life's mission; along with being a wife and mother, and a resident at the nursing home; is to do whatever else GOD tells me to do.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Wednesday's Word - Passion



What is passion? defines passion as any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, such as love or hate.

Passion holds a different meaning for everyone. 

My definition of passion is to have a feeling for someone or something that is so intense, it takes my breath away.  It calls for a response that I have to answer; if I don't respond to this call my heart feels like it will explode

 Usually, when people think about being passionate, it is directed toward a good thing; something positive.

However, we can be passionate about negative things.  How many times have we heard, thought, or even said HATE you?  We may have to be passionate about something that we don't want to because it is in our best interest or someone else's best interest. 

We can be passionate about things that others may not care about as much as we do or they may even be the polar opposite of who we are and what we are passionate about.

Being passionate about something is not always easy.  It can be very hard, and very expensive; both monetarily and emotionally. 

We may have to weigh what we are passionate about against our relationships with others. 

Last week, I wrote about the influence that others have on us.  I think others can definitely have an influence on our passions.

It is easy to push our passions out of the way because we have to accommodate others.  Some examples of these are; when we get married,  have kids, move, etc.

That's not always a bad thing.

However, I think when we totally let our passions fall the wayside simply because someone else doesn't share or like them.  We need to question why we let their opinion influence how we approach our passions.

I'm not saying  I let someone tell me what I can or cannot do,  because I don't.

I do think that I, out of my own free will, presume what others think of my passions and let this "presumption" affect how I pursue my passions.


I should be strong  and confident in myself enough, that  I can say "You don't have to like what I'm passionate about, but this is part of who I am."

I think I'm afraid of what others think of me when I disagree with them.

I'm trying to understand the concept that I can still LOVE someone even when I don't agree and share my passions with them.

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