My Blog Mission Statement

My purpose for blogging is to blend my faith and my disability and every other part of my life together. I know GOD touches every aspect of my life. My prayer is that my blog inspires others to trust in GOD and maybe look at things in a different way. I believe part of my life's mission; along with being a wife and mother, and a resident at the nursing home; is to do whatever else GOD tells me to do.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Prayer is my connection to God.  This is not a 

new concept to me.  I’ve been a Christian for 

the majority of my life.  I must admit that my 

prayer life goes through phases, or seasons if I 

may.    I don’t tend to pray as much when I’m 

on the mountain top than when I’m in the 

valley.  There’s an invisible safety net around 

us that we tend to trust when things are going 

our way.  The longer we go without prayer and 

trusting in ourselves the more holes starts to 

form in our safety net.  Then the inevitable  

happens, and we fall through the net.

        Most of us are totally shocked when this 

happens.  Things were going so good.  Why did 

I fall?   I am a natural faller.  I’ve done it all my 

life and I perfected it.  I’m the person who can 

say I’ve fallen up the stairs – literary.  I’ve 

fallen sideways and backward; anyway you can 

imagine.  I’ve even falling when I’m sitting 

down – now that’s takes true talent, let me tell 


        The thing about falling is that the older 

you get, the harder you fall.  This may be a 

cliche, but it’s true!  When I was younger, I 

would fall several times a day: my scraped 

knees and elbows ware tokens that I had 

survived   another day.  However, now my 

token for falling is groaning and gnashing of 

teeth for days on in.

        What happened?  Why did the results of 

my falling change?  Because I’m not as young 

as I used to be, my body doesn’t bounce back 

as it once did.

        OK, so how does this relate to prayer?

        Most of us when we became Christian, we 

were super excited; we had that fire in our 

bellies?  Where did that fire go?  It’s still there, 

but for many of us it’s been dimmed out by the 

realities of life – we get complacent in are 

praying and when we fall through the safety 

net we wonder why it hurts so much more than 

it used to.

        Perhaps it’s because as we age and grow 

in our faith, we are supposed to be praying 

more, but we get comfortable and we just 

think we are OK where we are.  The safety net 

will always be there.  Right?

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