My Blog Mission Statement

My purpose for blogging is to blend my faith and my disability and every other part of my life together. I know GOD touches every aspect of my life. My prayer is that my blog inspires others to trust in GOD and maybe look at things in a different way. I believe part of my life's mission; along with being a wife and mother, and a resident at the nursing home; is to do whatever else GOD tells me to do.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Wednesday' s Word - Determination

We all have it...

It is that small voice that lives deep within the soul that tells us we can do something.  I have had a strong sense of determination since the moment I took my first breath or didn't take my first breath; however, you choose to look at it.  (I was strangled by the umbilical cord when I was born.)  So, I literally had to fight for my first breath.  The doctors gave my parents a laundry list of things that, if I survived, I would never be able to do.  They even gave my parents an "out" by telling them they should abandon me at the hospital and walk away; free and clear.

Nothing enlights determination mort than telling you that you "CAN'T" do something.  Whether you call it a strong will, fight or flight, or something else, our natural instinct is to fight for our life. I've heard people say that if you try to hold your breath in order to take your own life,  you'll eventually pass out and start breathing again.

With my parents' support and determination, I was able to achieve and surpass most of my dream; I'm still not a world-renowned ballerina!!!

We think of determination as a positive thing, and it is, but I think it can also be negative. Sir Issac Newton says "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.  If you're not striving to succeed, while you're not necessarily saying I don't want to succeed, it may be saying I don't have enough determination for a particular thing.

I think we have to remember our interests and abilities.  Something you want may be something I could care less about, and my 100% may be your 20%.  This is how God wired us.

***Please note if you try hard and strive for what you and don't get it, YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE!!!***

We may be determined to succeed at something but don't get whatever we pursue.  The fact that we did not accomplish what we set out to achieve may not have anything to do with the determination that we have in our hearts.  Too many people have determination and success inner twined so tight that the heart gets lost behind the vines

I do everything from my heart, so of course, My determination is in sync with how my heart feels.  I have learned in a short 48 years that I can't get or do everything I want-yeah, (Am I a slow learner or am I very determined???).

So what do you want or need and determined are you to get it?

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