According to Life, Hope & Truth:Faith is the substance or assurance of things hoped for, but have not yet received.
Faith is a very personal thing that's unique to each individual. No one can "give you" faith. I can share my faith with someone, but I can't make them believe what I believe.
We believe in what we see as sensible. For instance, I don't believe in a ONE-EYED, ONE-HORNED, FLYING, PURPLE PEOPLE EATER. (I just always wanted to use it in a blog!!!) My mind just can't comprehend that. But, if I saw evidence of one, I'd be more likely to believe in it. I can read the scriptures, I can travel to Israel and see physical evidence and I can listen to how God has worked in other people's lives. It is up to me to choose whether to believe or not.
Faith is simple in some aspects, but it can also be difficult too. You have to give up control and allow yourself to feel vulnerable to someone or something that you don't completely know and understand. Many of us, probably most of us, have control issues. We want to be the one in control so that we know things are getting done the RIGHT (OUR) way. If you want something done right, do it yourself!
I'm not a type A, perfectionist, OCD type of person. I think being disabled has humbled me in some ways and I know I'm not in control of most things in my life. I fall, slur my speech, and spill EVERYTHING on my clothes. (Please see my I Am Who You Say I Am post.)
When you give up control, you experience freedom. No one can't explain to you what freedom is like; just like no one can make you believe what they believe.
In the movie, Mask (such a good movie!!!) the main character, Rocky, wanted to show Diana, his visually impaired girlfriend, colors. He gave her a hot potato to represent "RED" and ice to represent "BLUE". She got so excited because she got a "glimpse" of what colors look like. In her excitement, she cried: "I get it! I get it!"
Faith (in anything) is like "seeing" colors for the first time. Once you understand whatever you believe, you're able to make your own conclusions and stand firm on them.
Now, I'm not saying that I believe whatever you have faith in will save you and give you eternal life because I DON'T!!! However, whatever you have faith in, own it, and don't be ashamed.